We bring local, fresh vegetables from our farm to you through our weekly vegetable box program and at the St. Norbert Farmers’ Market !

Buy a share of our farm’s seasonal produce by joining our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. You’ll receive a weekly supply of fresh, seasonal, naturally grown produce for 16 weeks this summer. Use our sign up form to reserve a share:

How does it work? More details about our CSA 

Our CSA program for 2024 is open:  FULL

Please email to add your name on our list to get notified of openings and for 2025 !


Our Farm: Fresh, Natural, Local

  • Naturally grown means we say NO to pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers. We believe in nurturing the soil to keep it healthy, and healthy soil grows great tasting, nutrient rich vegetables that are good for you!
  • Our farm is right at the edge of the city, just one kilometer from the St. Norbert Farmers’ Market. Our vegetables travel a very short food mile, which equals a low carbon footprint.
  • The CSA model supports local farmers. That means your food dollar stays in your community.
  • You know who grows your food, and how it is grown.

All of this adds up to peace of mind about the food you eat, and healthier meals for you and your family.

Explore our site, learn more about us and local food, but most of all …
Eat Well, Be Well !

The Firthberries

  • About Us

    Almost Urban Vegetables is a small-hold family farm, owned and run by Marilyn Firth, Bruce Berry. We are located in St. Norbert, Manitoba, right on the south edge of Winnipeg.

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